Gaming is a cool and fun way for kids to relieve stress and build valuable skills. Problem-solving, strategizing, social skills, and critical thinking are just some of the skills children can learn from playing video games. However, video games have earned a bad reputation from their possible negative effects. Here’s what you can do, as a fellow gamer or as a parent of a gamer, to foster healthy and beneficial gaming habits.
Get Involved
As a parent, it’s a good idea to be involved in your kid’s gaming experience. Have your kid show you the games they’re playing, learn about who they’re playing with, and even play with them from time to time. Becoming involved in their gaming not only helps protect them from the dangers of video gaming, but it also can mean a lot to your child. You may even come to enjoy playing video games too.
Diversify the Types of Games Played
Playing the same type of games can become boring and doesn’t help you grow as a gamer. That’s why it’s recommended to diversify your gaming queue. If you frequently play games that involve violence or adult content, switch to a G-rated fun game from time to time. Family members can help by encouraging playing different types of games and playing with their gamer as often as they can.
Incorporate Physical Activity
Sitting or laying down for long periods of time can affect your health. Although it’s tempting to play your favorite games for hours at a time, it’s important to incorporate some physical activity. The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of physical activity a week. However, not everyone can reach this goal right away, so start small and simple. Short, daily walks, bike rides, or jogs are a great starting point.
Set a Schedule
Setting a schedule encourages healthy game playing and an overall healthy lifestyle. Kids are likely to play by the rules and achieve goals if goals and expectations are created together with their parents. For example, you can create a rule that videogames are off-limits between certain hours, during certain activities, or once an event occurs. Post the schedule and expectations around the house so everyone knows and can keep each other accountable.
Grow Your Gaming with MAGIC
MAGIC is here to help foster healthy gaming habits and successful future gamers. Through our programs and events, kids learn healthy habits and how to channel their gaming practices into productive, innovative careers. Whether that be a professional gamer, app developer, or IT specialist, we can help you or your child succeed.
Contact us now for more information, or click here to check out our programs.