The Mid-Atlantic Gigabit Innovation Collaboratory (MAGIC) is working to create a public-private partnership between various stakeholders to develop a virtual twin of the City of Westminster as the next evolution of the city’s fiber infrastructure to enable Autonomous and Smart City technologies.
The goal of MAGIC’s Autonomous Corridor Project is to increase connectivity in the Westminster community by attracting new businesses and innovators, as well as creating careers and research opportunities. The project aims to also connect parts of the community which are otherwise cut-off from Downtown Westminster and shopping centers along Route 140, due to the lack of public transportation options and other socio-economic factors. Developing Autonomous and Smart City technologies will bring more businesses and residents to the area while increasing the quality of life of its current residents.
Another building block in our ecosystem
Westminster has a rich history in robotics and autonomous technology that started with F&M Manufacturing in nearby Hampstead which produced robotics components for Lockheed Martin and General Electric. They were acquired by General Dynamics to create General Dynamics Robotic Systems (GDRS) which operated out of Westminster until 2012. The closing of that office spun out Westminster-based autonomous technology companies Dynamic Dimension Technologies (DDT) and Land Sea Air, not to mention other GDRS alumni who remained local and now work for Textron, Robotic Research, Knorr-Brake, etc.
Phase One of the Autonomous Corridor project will be the scanning of several routes of the city of Westminster to train autonomous shuttles on Westminster’s specific topography, all-weather road conditions, and traffic patterns. DDT will be providing VR simulation software, known as VxSIM, that will be used to create the autonomous corridor’s 3D environment. DDT, headquartered in the City of Westminster, is a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) company that has been developing autonomous systems’ virtual testing environments for the U.S. Navy autonomous amphibious vehicle program, among others.

Creating Workforce Opportunities
Our local Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) including McDaniel College and Carroll Community College (CCC) will develop workforce training, undergraduate and graduate programs for careers that this technology will create. One example of their collaboration with MAGIC will be our Stewards for Autonomous Vehicles Internship (SAVI) program that will serve the stewardship needs of our fleet. We expect our SAVI Students program to be a highly competitive, paid internship for students interested in the autonomous industry.
The broader outcomes of the Autonomous Corridor project are expected to include a reversal of the flow of commuters from the region while attracting new businesses that will want to develop new technologies upon the virtual twin city infrastructure, as well as the creation of new STEM programs for Carroll County Public Libraries, Carroll County Public Schools and other area students.
Meeting the Needs of Our Residents
Effective methods of public transportation meet community residents where they are, serving their needs and improving their quality of life through efficient and purpose-driven mobility.
One of MAGIC’s student interns, Molly Sherman, conducted a survey of Westminster residents to determine how current public transportation infrastructure is serving Carroll County and how the Autonomous Corridor Project can best accommodate the community’s needs.
The results show a disconnect between current public transportation options and the needs of Carroll County residents, including access to work, services, and social resources. Furthermore, there is the distinct desire for public transportation investment within our community.

Equalizing our Communities
As a tentpole of MAGIC’s “Silicon Main Street” technology-driven economic development plan for the City of Westminster, the Autonomous Corridor project seeks to discover and resolve various socio-economic, walkability, and transportation/parking infrastructure gaps in the Westminster community that limit connectivity. Additionally, we will be evaluating concerns surrounding social distancing in these autonomous shuttles in times of pandemic.
We believe this virtual twin infrastructure will bring prosperity and innovation to the Westminster community, future-proofing its infrastructure for further smart city technologies. MAGIC and its partners will be evaluating additional applications and benefits of such a 3D environment in areas of public safety and planning for the city and county, and for unmanned aircraft and urban air mobility within the airspace surrounding the Carroll County Regional Airport.