Winners of MAGIC’s Fifth Capture the Flag Cybersecurity Competition [Press Release]
For Immediate Release: April 27, 2018
MAGIC is pleased to report that the Fifth Capture the Flag (CTF) Cybersecurity Competition held on Saturday April 21, 2018 was a success. A new record was set for total participants, with over 160 students registered across 9 locations throughout the country including the main arena located at the Community Media Center in Westminster, MD, as well as, the C. Burr Artz Library in Frederick, MD, the City of Ammon, ID, the City of Salisbury, NC, the Davis Library in Bethesda, MD, the Silver Spring Library in Silver Spring, MD, St. Mary’s County Library in Leonardtown, MD, UMBC Training Centers in Columbia, MD and the Washington County Free Library in Hagerstown, MD.
First and second place teams finished all of the puzzles and played at UMBC Training Centers in Columbia, MD. First place team, Padawans2 (playing as All_On_U), included Joseph Aurelio, Caleb Bell, James Chisolm-Williams, and Dale Goldson. Second place team, Padawans1, included Alex Barney, Kyle Jackson, Bennett Tomlinson, and Andrew Valliere. Third place team, ISSA, included Benjamin Marlatt and Hashir Qazi, who played at the Community Media Center in Westminster, MD.
MAGIC would like to thank the CTF sponsors: CTC Technology and Energy, Ting, Carroll Community College, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, Next Century Cities, Skyline Technology Solutions and the City of Westminster. The Carroll County Public Library and System Source are also key partners in helping to make this event possible. Several MAGIC CTF sponsors and partners were on location in Westminster, MD, as well as numerous other cybersecurity and IT professionals working as volunteer coaches. Winners from the previous CTF also returned to help as coaches.
MAGIC is working to close the gap of needed cybersecurity professionals by increasing students’ interest in cybersecurity and by connecting communities with an interest in preparing their workforce for future careers in technology and cybersecurity. Technology talent and high-speed broadband networks are two essential ingredients for innovation and growth. The fiber network of the City of Westminster, MD and other participating cities are key points of leverage to attract talent and stimulate economic development.
The next MAGIC CTF, an entry level ethical hacking cybersecurity competition for high school and college students, will be held Saturday, November 3, 2018. Contact Amy Rupp ( for further details.
MAGIC (the Mid-Atlantic Gigabit Innovation Collaboratory) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Westminster, MD with the mission of leveraging the Westminster Fiber Network and our community’s broadband infrastructure to foster economic development. MAGIC’s long term vision is to make its community a hub of tech innovation and entrepreneurship. The City of Westminster provides key financial support to MAGIC. For additional information about MAGIC, contact Amy Rupp, 443-759-0480, Learn more about MAGIC at