On Thursday, August 10, 2017 three young men won the Chamber of Commerce 2017 Biz Challenge. They won with their mobile application called bookSwap. bookSwap originated at MAGIC’s February 2017 Hackathon, where students worked to design, build, and pitch a mobile application in one weekend.
On Thursday, bookSwap competed against 4 other startup companies to pitch their company to a panel of judges in a “Shark Tank” like event. bookSwap is a mobile application for college studetns to buy and sell used textbooks and school supplies.
MAGIC is proud that bookSwap is continuing their entrepreneurial endeavor. We will be keeping a close eye on these three businessmen as they continue rolling out their app.
These are the type of connections we are working to create as we build a tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem in our community.
For more information take a look at these two Carroll County Times articles:
App for buying, selling textbooks and school supplies, created ‘by the students for the students’
College-focused app wins 2017 Carroll Biz Challenge